Above is the original photograph that i have taken. Originally i liked this photo but felt it needed to be more creative so i decided to manipulate my image.
Here is the final image i have manipulated and put together. I am very impressed with this and i like the spooky effect this image has. I used a tutorial in order to help me create the fog look on the photograph, i followed the rules given to me and the outcome was successful. This is the website i followed for this.
In this first screen shot, i have added a photograph that i originally took in london. I then cloned a man out of the pavement on the right hand side because it was distracting in the final image.
Secondly i selected an area of the sky from the above image and pasted it into my final image.
I then brought the horse into the image by creating a new layer and overlaid the image. I did this because i wanted my final image to be original and the horse to be slightly transparent.
I then decided for a more frosted effect to change my image into black and white.
I then began to follow my tutorial, i did used a sun to gloom action from the tutorial which added slight colour into the horse, i felt this was very effective. I then decided to use the brush tool to create fog into my photo. I changed the size of the fog i was adding from small to large for a more varied look.
Once i was happy with this and there was enough fog i decided to create a vignette. Once i had done this i felt it was slightly too much so i flattened the image to make the boldness more subtle.
Here is my final manipulated image as situated above.
Here is the original photograph that i have taken. This photo is very simple but i liked it and felt it could be improved.
Here i have used the burn tool for the background and the curves tool to brighten the photo up. I originally applied a vignette to create a more effective look to begin with. I really like this photo as i feel it is different and unique yet still including horses into my theme. I feel it looks really affectionate and shows the true bond between a horse and it's rider.
Above is a simple photograph i have taken using natural light. This is my un edited image. I still like this photograph without it being edited but i wanted to manipulate the image in someway. I do however like the idea of the darker background which i have introduced again below.
I feel this is very effective and shows the main focus more in depth which in this photograph is the horse and it's owner. In all my photographs i enjoy showing the true bond and relationship between the horse and owner, i feel i have interpreted this into my final photograph.
Before doing anything to this image i first played around with the brightness and contrast and the curves tool. I decided to alter this slightly to make the horses blaze more definite. I feel this works really well. I then used the burn tool on the background. I like the final image better. I decided to try and minimize colour, i firstly burned out the bright clothing of my model. I like how the models hand is not quite the main attraction but still works effectively which is what i was aiming for.
I took this picture in a well lit room with my camera looking down on the wellys. I was stood on a chair so i was at a higher level in order to capture different angles of the wellys.
I then went into photoshop and created a vignette in order to create a darker background. I then decided to use the curves tool to make my wellys brighter and make them stand out. I like this image but decided to do something different in order to experiment with my work.
Here i have used the clone tool, i began changing colours of the wellingtons and then used the clone tool to manipulate further. I cloned different wellys into one, I created more tops of wellys in some places and duplicated the bottom of wellys in other places. I decided to do this to create a mixture of colours. I then used the blur tool to add even more effect into my image which i felt worked really well and effectively.