Thursday, 19 January 2012

Experimental project

For this project i decided to be as creative as possible, firstly i took lots of photographs and then short listed my favorite images.

Above is the original photograph that i have taken. Originally i liked this photo but felt it needed to be more creative so i decided to manipulate my image.

Here is the final image i have manipulated and put together. I am very impressed with this and i like the spooky effect this image has. I used a tutorial in order to help me create the fog look on the photograph, i followed the rules given to me and the outcome was successful. This is the website i followed for this.

In this first screen shot, i have added a photograph that i originally took in london. I then cloned a man out of the pavement on the right hand side because it was distracting in the final image.

Secondly i selected an area of the sky from the above image and pasted it into my final image.

I then brought the horse into the image by creating a new layer and overlaid the image. I did this because i wanted my final image to be original and the horse to be slightly transparent.

I then decided for a more frosted effect to change my image into black and white.

I then began to follow my tutorial, i did used a sun to gloom action from the tutorial which added slight colour into the horse, i felt this was very effective. I then decided to use the brush tool to create fog into my photo. I changed the size of the fog i was adding from small to large for a more varied look.

Once i was happy with this and there was enough fog i decided to create a vignette. Once i had done this i felt it was slightly too much so i flattened the image to make the boldness more subtle.

Here is my final manipulated image as situated above.

Here is the original photograph that i have taken. This photo is very simple but i liked it and felt it could be improved.

Here i have used the burn tool for the background and the curves tool to brighten the photo up. I originally applied a vignette to create a more effective look to begin with. I really like this photo as i feel it is different and unique yet still including horses into my theme. I feel it looks really affectionate and shows the true bond between a horse and it's rider.

Above is a simple photograph i have taken using natural light. This is my un edited image. I still like this photograph without it being edited but i wanted to manipulate the image in someway. I do however like the idea of the darker background which i have introduced again below.
I feel this is very effective and shows the main focus more in depth which in this photograph is the horse and it's owner. In all my photographs i enjoy showing the true bond and relationship between the horse and owner, i feel i have interpreted this into my final photograph.

Before doing anything to this image i first played around with the brightness and contrast and the curves tool. I decided to alter this slightly to make the horses blaze more definite. I feel this works really well. I then used the burn tool on the background. I like the final image better. I decided to try and minimize colour, i firstly burned out the bright clothing of my model. I like how the models hand is not quite the main attraction but still works effectively which is what i was aiming for. 

I took this picture in a well lit room with my camera looking down on the wellys. I was stood on a chair so i was at a higher level in order to capture different angles of the wellys.

I then went into photoshop and created a vignette in order to create a darker background. I then decided to use the curves tool to make my wellys brighter and make them stand out. I like this image but decided to do something different in order to experiment with my work. 

Here i have used the clone tool, i began changing colours of the wellingtons and then used the clone tool to manipulate further. I cloned different wellys into one, I created more tops of wellys in some places and duplicated the bottom of wellys in other places. I decided to do this to create a mixture of colours. I then used the blur tool to add even more effect into my image which i felt worked really well and effectively. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Video Project..

- Video clip

My Idea is to make a music video similar to the ones linked. I like the idea of the bright colours being used in the video. I am mostly interested in the beginning part of this video, i like the idea of the eye makeup and the blinking. I would like to interpret something similar into my video, however i would like to use a more blank background for a more natural approach.
I like the idea of a number of dancers in shot, i would like to use about 7 dancers focusing mainly on one who will be the main point of attention.

All the below images of the dancers doing a routine are useful to me.

I have got inspiration from this, i like how there is a group of people as i said above i would use about seven dancers to perform a routine if possible.

I really like this bit, however i feel it would work better with more dancers, this would create a better effect.

I also like the aeroplane idea. I feel i could expand on this to make my work different.

I like this part with the money, i would like to involve something similar but my idea is to have my model holding money as a fan rather than having the money on it's own.

I like these screen shots, this is similar to something id like to do in the beginning of my video focusing firstly on the eyes.

From looking at the video above i have researched different makeup ideas. I would like to do my video focusing on one person to begin with, i would like the model to have big eye makeup like the beginning of the video above. I would also like to have a dance routine included in my video. I would like it to be very effective and keep the watchers interested right from the start.

I decided to try out some make-up techniques and take some photos towards my research. 


Above i have very simply used natural colours and a glitter over the top, although simple it is still effective. I feel this would work nicely on a white or light background for part of my video. 

I like these photographs as they have given me inspiration for my work and my video. Here i have created two separate block colours on my model. I feel this too has worked well, rather than blending the colours i have tried to keep them separate, when taking this image i have then caught the colours well. 

Cher Lloyd - With Ur love Music video

I have taken screen captures of different parts of the video which came to my attention.
I like the variation between the two videos and how they are both imaginative.

I watched this video from start to finish, i was looking for dance ideas. I like how the video is shot in a bedroom scene and you are then shown the bedroom from the outside, i liked this idea as it was very clever.

Jessie J - Who you are

I am also inspired by this music video to base my work on. I love how you don't even need to listen to the music and you automatically feel involved and like you truly understand the video. I think it is very effective and moving, i would like to do a video similar to this.

- Make-up videography

Above i looked closely at a video of a makeup tutorial. It shows the make up artist applying the makeup to the the model and the developing stages. The video is very simply taken on a blank back drop yet still effective. Although this video is different to the music videos, i like how it is showing the progression of the makeup. I may look into doing something similar but interpret the applying of makeup into a music video rather than a tutorial.

I then went on to research a photographer who mainly photographs and videos dancers. Chris Nash is one of the biggest leading dance photographers in the world. Chris Nash has a worldwide reputation for photographing dancers; he has worked with Javier de Frutos, Michael Clark and Rambert Dance Company, among others.

Above these are some examples of Chris Nash's work of dancers. I am inspired by his work, i really like the photographs he has taken. Although they are simple colours they are very effective and unique. To me they look like they have a lot of meaning, i would like to do something similar but using video rather than photographs.

David Sukonick - Dance video archivist and producer.
Afte researching this videographer i have gathered together some of his tips, do's and do nots when videoing dancers.

Dance was not meant to be shot or seen at various at angles unless specifically made for film.  All choreography is conceived, created, and meant to be seen from front center.  Shooting from the side makes dancers look "turned in".  Shooting from too steep and angle makes them look short with flexed feet. Using multiple cameras as in a standard shoot breaks up the movement. There are actually a few of ways to shoot a dance video.  I have quite a bit of latitude because I shoot in wide screen.  One is to play it completely safe and capture every finger and foot of every dancer that is on stage no matter what.

David Sukonick - Dance video archivist

I have researched David and had a look at some of his videos to give me an idea. I like how he has included the entire stage and the camera doesn't appear to move throughout the whole video, i feel this works well as he has included the entire routine without missing any potentially important parts out.